ok so we went from here, to the new house, which i don't have a picture of.......and now we are almost homeless...We decided to put the new house on the market because the twin home was not selling..at the same time as we got renters for the twin home, we had a lady from California come look at the new house, and she totally wanted it....so needless to say, we have to be out in two weeks...that is right two weeks....I have been ok with this decision...well for the most part...im sad to leave some of our neighbors, but at the same time i fell blessed that we have found someone else who will have great memories in the new house...it was not an easy decision either....Jason has also applied for a new position in Draper with a company so getting up north is not such a bad idea either...with the market the way it has been...we could have been alot worse. I know that this is a challenging time for us, but i have faith it will all work itself out...i just wish we had more time to look for a place..If anyone has any ideas....i would love to hear them....or if you know of anybody...that would be great.
Val my neighbors are selling their house, right in my coldesac. Come my way. I would love to see you more. Draper is just right around the corner from us!! I can't believe you sold your new house that fast. Wow. Holy Cow. A lot has gone on, since I saw you at dinner. You guys would love it out here Val. You would be close to your sister and Mom. It's the place to be. Also Tiffany and Lance on my blog are selling their house. She has a picture of it on her blog. Just click on their name. Their home is in PG. Boston could play with Jade and East everyday. If interested call me. Love ya Val.
I cant believe you sold it so fast! I am glad things are going better. Rob and I love the development called Daybreak. It is in SOuth Jordan. They have tons of places for sell and rent. We almost moved there. Let me know if there is anything I can do!
It will be so sad to have you guys leave the area, it's been fun to still get to see you guys passing in the halls at church!
Oh, my gosh, I can't believe you are having to move! Moving is not my favorite thing to do at all. I hope things are going well with you guys...I wished we had more time to talk at Jill's wedding dinner :(
I'm so sad that you'll be leaving our neighborhood but I'm so impressed that you have such a good attitude about it. You'll still be part of bunco, right?! I love you girly.
There are few things in life I hate worse than moving. I wish that I could come and help you!
You could always come out here and rent a apt for 1200 bucks a month! I would LOVE to have you as a neighbor!
Val oh my heck! This is sad and suprising all at the same time. It is so great that you were able to sell so fast but I am so sad to hear that you can't move back into your townhome. You have been through a lot this year and I hope it can all work out the best way for you. Good luck to Jason too with the job. I don't want you to leave but you must be back for our Bunco nights...please. It just wouldn't be the same without you
:(! Our Love and prayers are with you at this time...also bring over Boston if you need to get some packing done. We would love to be of help in anyway.
I'm so sorry Biggs. I love you! I'm going to get up there sometime and we are going to PLAY,PLAY,PLAY!!!
A ton of rentals in Saratoga springs, we'd love to have you guys, and right quick to Draper off of Redwood! CAll me!
Val, I am glad you found my blog. I still can't believe I ran into at the post office. Your little guy is darling. Good luck with moving, and I hope you find a place to live.
Oh bummer. Too bad Alyson already rented her house out. You should ask her how that's going just in case. Things always work out so hang in there.
Bigglesworth! I can't believe you're moving! Keep us posted!
Wow, that is a lot of ups and downs with the living arrangements!! So I have some ideas, you could move next to me here in Miami! The apartment (a one bedroom) next to us is vacant! On a more serious note...That is such a huge blessing your house sold so quickly! Hopefully everything will keep falling into place!
Wow! That sold really fast, I am sad that you never really got to enjoy that beautiful house but at the same time you are so lucky to have sold right now. You could move to the Orem ghetto with us, it's lots of fun. Where do you want to move to and what is your price range, I am really good at finding apartments...
I just ran across your blog and had to say hi! I was a friend of Jason's-we did EFY together. You guys have such a cute little boy! It's fun to find old friends on the blogs! :)
Wow all this moving stuff is never fun. I hope everything works out for you guys. It's always so hard to leave a house you like a lot. But there will be many homes that will come and go. Hope all is well for you guys.
How's it coming? I hope well. keep me posted. xoxo
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