Wednesday, October 1, 2008

UPDATE...................FALSE ALARM

ok, ok so i might have jumped the gun a little to fast...WE DID NOT SELL OUR HOUSE, but is still up for sale...the other lady backed for now, we still have two houses up for sale....send your friends my way, if you know someone looking for a house...until later, hope all is well for all of you.....


leah said...

what the? I am going to call you.d

Shar said...

Are you sad or happy?

Christa said...

I hope you are able to sell one of the houses but I don't want you to move away from me.

havensmama said...

Try not too stress about all of it...I am so proud of you for being so faithful and trusting in the Lord. I still want a reason for you to move closer to me so Boston and Haven can play lots. I'll keep my eyes open for any possibilities.

Lianne said...

Good luck! I hope that it hasn't been too stressful. I hope it all goes well for you guys!

Jessica F. said...

So you are or are not thinking about moving to Virginia???? :)

brittanimae said...

Val. I just can't believe you're a mom! I know I sound silly, but you look so darling in your picture with that cute little guy. We need to make sure we see you next time we're in town!!